Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Any questions or problems? Maybe you can find your answer here!
Otherwise try asking in the Discord Support Server: http://bismarckwebsite/discord/

Here is a collection of the most common issues:

I want this bot in my server
The bot isn't answering/commands aren't working
I want Bismarck to post the devblog
I want to block a command in a channel (general turned into a bakery!?)

⚓How do I add Bismarck to my own server?

Just click this link: http://bismarckwebsite/invite/
Remember you still need to have the permission Manager Server or more to add bots to a discord server.

⚓Why the bot isn't working or answering any commands?

Be sure you gave the proper permissions to the bot in the channel, mainly Read Messages and Send Messages.

⚓Can Bismarck post the devblog? What about news or patch notes?

Yes, you can get the devblog by setting up a channel to receive them with ?devblog #channel.
Be aware that the bot will require the Manage Webhooks permission in the channel you are trying to receive the posts.
For news and patch notes, currently that isn't possible, but you can use any RSS feed bot to get those.

⚓How can I block a command (or module) from being used?

You can block specific commands or entire modules from being used in a specific channel or the entire server with ?block.

  • Blocking ?bake in #general: ?block bake #general
  • Blocking the module Cookie (bake, cookies, and all other commands there) everywhere: ?block cookie
  • Blocking the module Fun in #general: ?block fun #general
Be aware that blocks everywhere and in a channel will "stack" (2 rules instead of 1).
You can unblock using the same command, it's a toggle.

⚓Where are the commands?

You can see all the available commands for you using ?commands, it will only show the ones you can use (so it'll display more if you are the server owner/administartor).
They are all also listed in the website at Commands.

⚓Why some users have a signature? How can I get one?

The signature is a whitelisted feature that needs to be enabled by the developer. It is like this because it's required to store daily data from the user to be able to generate it, making it need a lot more resources so it can't be allowed to everyone.
At the moment, it's not possible to get access unless you are selected to be a beta tester for it.

⚓Why some users have graphs attached to their stats?

This is one of the features made possible by the data gathered by the signature, so only the users with access to it will have them.

⚓Why my PR (personal rating) is different from wows-numbers?

The data used to calculate your PR is cached in the bot to make it faster to access and not needed to download it frequently from wows-numbers, so it might be outdated (normally for ships recently released).
Don't worry, it might take a while but it will fix itself with time.

⚓What is a starboard?

A starboard is a channel made of pinned message by your users. They can add a post there by reacting to the message they want "pinned" with a ⭐ (:star:).
To know how to set up a starboard for your server, just type ?starboard in a channel that the bot can read and it'll show how to use it and all commands related to it.

⚓What is the default prefix?

The bot uses ? as the default prefix, you can change it with setprefix, that will also display the current one.
If you don't know the current prefix, you can mention the bot as well, example: @Bismarck setprefix.